The fees below are within the CPT codes range ($225 for 53-60mins) developed by the American Medical Association (AMA) and Ontario Psychological Association (OPA) Guidelines published in 2015.
It is client’s responsibility to know and understand the conditions of their extended health care plan (if they have one).
Dr. Kim Saliba's services are considered "out-of network" in the states.
Dr. Kim Saliba does not handle direct billing to insurance companies.
Clients are responsible to pay for the session up front and to submit a receipt or "super bill" into their own insurance provider.
A superbill is a detailed receipt that the client submits to their insurance in order to request reimbursement.
Please note, some insurance plans offer “out-of-network” coverage this does not guarantee reimbursement, and it is the client’s responsibility to verify their own out-of-network coverage.
Services are NOT covered by provincial health insurance plan (OHIP).
Fees will be billed and paid on a per session basis.
Payment is expected upon receipt of the invoice no later than the end of the session.
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychotherapy
The fee for a 45-55 minute therapy session is $225.00.
Payment is expected upon receipt of the invoice at the end of the session.
Billing, Invoices, and Receipts can only be made in the name of the person receiving the direct service.